Monday, February 16, 2015


Since TT expressed some curiosity about the Bluetooth keyboard, I thought that I would get in a little more practice blogging with it and show a couple of photos.

I am using my laptop for scale here.  The first one gives you some idea of the keyboard's size when in use.  The second one shows its size when it is folded in half, sitting on top of its carrying case next to its charging cable.  It takes some getting used to -- the center hinge makes it flexible.  I wouldn't want to write the great American novel on it, but I think it will work just fine for its intended purpose.... blogging and emails when away from my computer.  It weights next to nothing, and now there is no need to lug my heavy computer everywhere I go.  And yes, a tablet would accomplish that too, of course.  But I already had the smart phone and this particular keyboard was a very inexpensive accessory.  (Posted from my phone.)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

New Toy

This is another experiment in blogging from my phone, or "device" to be more accurate. The phone came with Bluetooth, and I had nothing of that sort. I wondered if a Bluetooth keyboard, available on Amazon, might make blogging from my phone a little easier. Short version of the story is that I ordered it and it came this morning. Then I needed some new photos on my phone (one new thing at a time), so I took a bike ride. These photos are from that ride.

This is enough for now, but it seems to be okay.  I just noticed that the last time I posted here it was a nearly identical photo -- Kiwanis Park.  The second one is the view from the Midway bridge.