Friday, June 26, 2015

Swan Lake

Yesterday was a travel day on this little road trip we are on.  We are now at NCW's north woods B&B.  Supper last night was three plates (two too many) at the Chinese buffet in Hibbing.  Later Jimi and the Grands were joined by the Pster in the building of a fire in the fire pit at the shore.  It is still mosquito season here, and the hum of their swarms was a little unnerving.  We were rewarded with the sounds of loons, and the smoke kept the mosquitoes at bay somewhat.  As did Deep Woods Off.  It was good family time.  The young 'uns are sleeping in this morning for the first time on this trip, and we plan to spend a few more days here before heading back across the big lake.  The photo is from the deck this morning.  This is nice.

This is a photo taken by the girl grandchild.   Lovely child, with my sense of humor.


Gino said...

Ah . . .

FF and U.

To which I believe the correct response is "bite me".

Retired Professor said...
