Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The first night in a new place is not restful, usually, for me. The up side of a poor night's sleep was that I was up in time to see the sun rise in the east.

And catch the reflection of the pinks in the western sky and on the calm surface of Spring Lake.
The tires are pumped on the Fuji, and if they hold their air until tomorrow, I hope to get in a few December miles.


Tennis Tousan said...

Fla. looks inviting, and there is no snow. This means that the biking season continues. TT

Retired Professor said...

There's been a couple of weeks hiatus, and Florida miles are just for fun. Still, you are correct. On two counts, there is no snow, either. It is supposed to cool down this weekend -- a high of 60 on Sunday. Bring a sweatshirt.

Not Retired Professor said...

Lovely photos? Sigh. What's the temp there?